Name is required
Date of Birth
Date of Birth is required
Gender is required
Address is required
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Phone Number
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
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School Name:
Internship Opportunity Interested In:
Helpline Advocate
Community Engagement Intern
Masters Level Intern
Internship Opportunity Interested In: is required
Amount of Internship Hours needed:
Amount of Internship Hours needed: is required
Please attach a Resume and Cover Letter
Please choose a file that is smaller than 10MB
I have read and understand these agreements:
I agree and understand that all statements on the Internship Application are true and accurate; any misrepresentation or omission of facts may result in my being disqualified or terminated as a volunteer.
I give Safe Harbor permission to contact the references listed and release Safe Harbor from any liability as a result of such contact. Internships require a criminal background check and screenings. I give Safe Harbor permission to utilize the name, DOB and gender listed in this application order to complete a background check.
I understand that all internship placements are contingent upon completion of any orientation and training which is required. Training requirements may vary in content depending upon my actual placement.
I agree to exercise care not to disclose to any person outside the agency any facts learned about any client of the agency. I understand that confidentiality is of the utmost importance in servicing the needs of clients. I also understand that the shelter location is confidential and I will not disclose its location to anyone. I further understand that any infraction of this rule will mean termination of my internship at Safe Harbor.
As an intern, I will not to disclose the identities or identifying information of Safe Harbor’s clients to any outside parties or through any forms of communication (ex. sharing names, personal information, photos, videos, recordings or other identifying information about a client through word of mouth, phone, email, social media or other forms of communication).
I understand that the Safe Harbor staff predetermine all intern/client activities and work assignments. Therefore, I will ask for approval before offering other services to clients. If I am leading a living skills group, the advice I give will be related to my area of expertise.
I agree to be prompt and reliable when serving as a Safe Harbor volunteer. I will maintain and submit accurate paper work as required, including documented hours of internship service.
I understand that Safe Harbor does not permit the possession or use of alcohol, drugs, or weapons on agency property, and I will abide by this policy. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance on agency premises or while conducting agency business off-site is prohibited.
I understand that smoking and vaping is not permitted inside Safe Harbor’s shelters or offices in order to uphold health and safety standards. Designated areas for smoking or vaping are available outdoors on shelter properties. I agree to refrain from smoking and vaping inside Safe Harbor buildings.
I understand that Safe Harbor strives to be a trauma informed organization, with a vision to influence a culture where all people feel safe and valued in their relationships. I agree to do all I can to uphold Safe Harbor’s guiding principles of safety, trust, mutual support, cultural respect, collaboration, and empowerment, voice and choice. Safe Harbor does not tolerate disrespect, bullying, threats, abusive behaviors or language. Safe Harbor does not tolerate discrimination due to one’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, country of origin, language, sexual orientation, disability or any other identifying factors. I will treat Safe Harbor’s clients, staff and volunteers with respect at all times during my volunteer service.
I understand that all Safe Harbor volunteers receive supervision from Safe Harbor’s Volunteer Coordinator. I will submit suggestions and recommendations to the Volunteer Coordinator that I believe might improve or enhance the work of Safe Harbor.
As a Safe Harbor Volunteer, I will limit my relationships with Safe Harbor clients to matters directly related to their services with Safe Harbor and only during my assigned volunteer duty. I hereby release Safe Harbor, its board, staff, and other volunteers from any and all liability and consequences which may result should I decide to maintain a relationship with any client outside of the shelter/volunteer relationship.
If I am injured in any way while serving as a Safe Harbor volunteer, I understand that I will not be covered under worker's compensation benefits. I hereby release Safe Harbor from any responsibility for such injury.
I have read and understand the aforementioned rules of volunteer activity and my signature as a Safe Harbor volunteer indicates that I agree to abide by the above rules.
I have read and understand these agreements: is required
Online Signature
Online Signature is required
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