Educational Videos

Safe Harbor is proud to work with community partners in the important work of raising awareness about domestic abuse and finding ways to end this pervasive issue. The videos and webinars below from Safe Harbor staff, survivors, and partners are designed to provide domestic abuse education and information about our services. Safe Harbor staff are also available for in-person and hands-on training.


Educational Videos

Beth's Story

Beth is a survivor of domestic abuse. This is her story. This survivor story contains examples of spiritual, emotional, and verbal abuse. 


Jenita's Story

Jenita is a survivor of domestic abuse. This is her story. This story mentions physical and verbal abuse. 


Kayla's Story

Kayla is a survivor of teen dating violence. This is her story. This story mentions physical and emotional abuse and thoughts of suicide. 


community talk-back: black women's experiences with intimate partner abuse

At Safe Harbor, we recognize that domestic abuse, racism, and sexism intersect in the lives of Black women, resulting in high barriers to support and safety. Consequently, Black women are far more likely to die due to domestic abuse. On August 30th, 2020, we held a Community Talk-Back about Black Women's Experience with Intimate Partner Abuse. We hope to continue the conversation about the barriers faced by African American women and how we can address them as a community. If you were not able to participate last week, you can watch the recording of the talk-back at the link below and stay tuned for more opportunities like this. Follow us on social media and visit our website, to stay up-to-date.


advocacy 101: amplifying survivor voices to disrupt Abuse

In this workshop, Safe Harbor and the Women's Rights and Empowerment Network collaborated to...

  • Provide basic skills for leading successful advocacy efforts with decision-makers
  • Discuss how advocacy is used to influence policy locally and statewide
  • Encourage survivors and everyone who supports survivors to be change-makers in their communities
  • Continue engaging with the community in efforts to end domestic abuse for everyone

domestic abuse resources for property management

This webinar was a collaboration between USAA, Loebsack and Brownlee PLLC, and Safe Harbor. Topics covered include domestic abuse and housing law, the dynamics of domestic abuse, and Safe Harbor services. This training is helpful for anyone who is interested in learning more about a property manager's legal responsibilities about domestic abuse and the legal protections afforded to victims of domestic abuse as they relate to lease contracts. 


mental health resources for survivors of intimate partner abuse

Intimate Partner Abuse negatively affects the mental health of those who experience it. This short webinar focuses on a variety of creative resources for those coping with the effects of abuse; the resources discussed in this webinar can also be found on this resource list


domestic abuse and sexual assault resources in the upstate

This webinar, hosted by Pride Link with the Julie Valentine Center and Safe Harbor as guests, covers the basics of sexual assault and domestic abuse and the resources available for survivors. 


Healthcare Professionals - Short Video (10 mins)

Healthcare Professionals - Full Video (20 mins)

These videos for medical professionals hope to achieve several things. First, to help medical professionals understand and identify domestic abuse since nearly 80% of female victims of domestic abuse visit emergency departments for medical treatment, and as many as 72% are not identified as victims. Second, to empower you to respond effectively to the needs of the survivor and be able to offer options that could include contacting Safe Harbor. And third, learn the warning signs of domestic abuse, and be able to talk with your patients safely.