Safe Harbor offers a continuum of services for survivors of domestic abuse and their children in Greenville, Anderson, Pickens and Oconee Counties. Our services include a 24/7 help line, safe emergency shelters, counseling, advocacy, transitional housing, domestic abuse education classes, parenting classes, and group support.
Safe Harbor works to end cultural acceptance of domestic abuse through prevention, education and a coordinated community response. We offer prevention education for youth through our REP program, as well as awareness and educational opportunities about the issue of domestic abuse for our community at-large.
Individuals and families impacted by domestic abuse have inherently been exposed to traumatic events in their lives. Safe Harbor is committed to providing programs and services that are designed with an understanding of the impact of trauma on individuals and families, as well as a recognition of a survivor’s resiliency and ability to heal. We use a trauma-informed approach to services and community work that aims to support and empower survivors, to respect and honor each individual’s experience and to avoid re-traumatization.