Therapy & Case Management

Safe Harbor offers free individual therapy, case management and advocacy to adults who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Our goal is to offer support and walk with you on your journey towards healing.

Therapy & Case Management

To seek our community therapy and case management services, you can call 1.800.291.2139 (select option 1) to complete a phone intake. 

You may also complete an online intake form for community services (including counseling, advocacy, or classes.) Please include a safe way for us to contact you via phone (with voicemail) or email. Once you have submitted the online form, you should hear back from a member of our team within five business days to set-up your first appointment. 

Therapy and case management offer an opportunity to discuss a range of topics related to domestic abuse, such as: 

  • Learning about the dynamics of domestic abuse and its effects on you
  • Developing safety plans
  • Addressing past and present trauma due to abuse
  • Addressing negative feelings caused by abuse
  • Learning coping strategies
  • Connecting with social support and community resources

We also offer groups and classes for survivors of domestic abuse. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What types of counseling & advocacy services are offered?
    • We offer individual counseling and advocacy sessions (by appointment) to adult survivors of domestic abuse in Greenville, Anderson, Pickens and Oconee Counties. 

    • We offer counselor-led support groups for adults in our shelters. Survivor-led support groups are also available. 

    • Domestic abuse education classes are offered as well. These classes are eight sessions long and meet weekly

  • How do I start counseling or advocacy with Safe Harbor?
    • Please call our 24/7 line at 1.800.291.2139 (select option 1 to speak with someone) to complete a brief phone intake for counseling services. You will need to provide a safe phone number or email address so that someone can follow-up with you.

    • Once your phone intake is completed, you will hear from a member of our counseling team within 5 business days to set-up your first appointment.

  • Do you offer counseling for children who have witnessed domestic abuse?

    While Safe Harbor currently does not have the capacity to offer counseling to children impacted by domestic abuse, we recognize the need for this service and are working to develop sustainable programming for children. In the meantime, Safe Harbor counselors can offer referrals to Safe Harbor clients who are seeking counseling services for their children. 

  • What can I expect as I begin counseling & advocacy services with Safe Harbor?
    • Once you have completed a phone intake to begin services (by calling our 24/7 line at 1.800.291.2139), you will hear from a member of our counseling team within 5 business days. During your phone intake, please be sure to give us a safe phone number or email address so that we can safely reach you. Please also make sure that your voicemail is set-up and clear, so we can leave you a message if you are unable to answer when we call. 

    • A member of our counseling team will contact you to set up an initial time to meet. During this first meeting, we will review our services with you and complete an assessment to learn more about your experience with domestic abuse and how we can assist you. You are not required to bring anything with you to your first appointment. 

    • Please be sure to make arrangements for childcare during your appointments at Safe Harbor. We are not able to provide on-site childcare, and children cannot be left unattended in our waiting area. Please talk with your counselor or advocate if you are having trouble securing childcare. 

  • How long can I receive counseling services?
    • We offer a three-phased approach to counseling, and length of time will depend on an individual’s needs and goals. Typically, we can offer counseling for up to one year. You and your counselor will regularly reassess your needs to determine if Safe Harbor is the best resource to help you reach your goals.

    • In addition, we offer referrals to other community resources as needed.

  • Will anyone find out if I'm receiving services at Safe Harbor?
    • With a few exceptions that your counselor will review with you at your initial appointment (such as mandated reporting of abuse/neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, plans to harm yourself or someone else, or court order from a judge), counseling is confidential.

    • We do not share with anyone (including case workers, attorneys, family or friends) that you are receiving our services, without your written consent.

  • I was referred to Safe Harbor by DSS. What services do you offer & am I required to participate?
    • It is your choice to participate in any of Safe Harbor’s services.

    • We offer individual counseling sessions as well as domestic abuse education classes that are all DSS-approved.

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