If you are a Safe Harbor client experiencing homelessness, please ask your advocate or case manager to connect you to someone who can complete a housing assessment with you. This assessment will inform you of which housing program(s) you are eligible for. If eligible, you will be placed on the prioritization list and considered for housing opportunities.
Safe Harbor offers two housing assistance programs:
Rapid Rehousing (RRH) is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development through our local Continuum of Care. The purpose of Rapid Rehousing is to decrease the time spent homeless by putting people experiencing homelessness directly into their own rental units. This program provides up to one year of rental assistance and case management. Rental assistance starts at 100% of rent and tapers off as clients regain stability.
Transitional Housing (or Housing Assistance Program) is funded through the Office of Violence Against Women. Clients receive 100% of their rent expenses for up to 24 months as well as case management and referrals to job training and employment through community partners.
If you are experiencing homelessness and are not connected to Safe Harbor's services, please contact United Housing Connections (864.241.0462) or SHARE (864.269.0700) to complete a housing assessment to determine your eligibility for other housing opportunities.