Safe Harbor’s Housing Assistance Program (HAP): A Pathway to Independence

July 19, 2017

By Adriene Atkinson, Safe Harbor Housing Assistance Program (HAP) Manager

Independent – defined as “free from outside control, not depending on another’s authority”…

Survivors of domestic violence often feel the effects of outside control and are frequently bound by their abuser’s authority. Moving out on your own often means stepping out on faith, treading into murky waters with no guarantee of stability.  However, I’ve had the privilege to witness numerous survivors of domestic violence bravely dive into the pool of independence and self-sufficiency, despite their fears, when given an opportunity to obtain safe, affordable housing opportunities.

While some survivors of domestic violence may have past experience with running a household on their own or have personal credit/income that allows them to escape a domestic violence situation, oftentimes that is certainly not the case. Most of the survivors with whom I work are faced with numerous barriers that prevent them from escaping a volatile situation, including limited income, limited or poor credit history, troubled rental history that often includes domestic violence related incidents, no experience managing finances, and the list goes on.

In a fast-growing city like Greenville, where expensive high-rise condo buildings have become more plentiful than affordable housing units, independence and self-sufficiency can appear to be an unreachable goal for a survivor of domestic violence.

Safe Harbor’s Housing Assistance Program (HAP) offers survivors of domestic violence the “boost” needed to jump-start their journey to independence. By assisting our clients with a portion of their housing expenses for 12-15 months while also providing case management, advocacy and community resources needed to attain their goals along the way, HAP is a “game-changer” for survivors and their families.

“Shannon”, a survivor of a volatile marriage that resulted in her coming into Safe Harbor’s Greenville Shelter, had two young children and was pregnant with her third when she decided that sleeping in her car with her children was safer than remaining home with her abuser. With the collaboration of our community partner, Homes of Hope, Shannon was able to transition from our shelter to a safe, affordable home of her own.  With assistance from Safe Harbor’s HAP program, Shannon receives assistance with both monthly rent and utility bills.  In the meantime, Shannon has worked diligently to secure a job that gives her enough income to prepare for next steps once she exits HAP.  Though her journey has not been easy, Shannon has remained focused, setting goals to transition from HAP with funds to place a deposit on her own home and establishing a savings account that will enable her to be prepared for unexpected expenses.

My career as a helping professional is the absolute air I breathe. While I have worked with numerous populations in the social services field, none have brought out my personal strengths and passion more than assisting and encouraging survivors to become independent and self-sufficient.

I learned early in my career that the world doesn’t always understand the barriers that survivors of domestic violence often face.  Therefore, I had better do all I can to empower each client as they navigate a world that often lacks empathy and understanding for the trauma they have experienced.

My personal goal in this field is to teach, encourage, and coach survivors to take personal responsibility for their “happily ever after”, knowing that they have they have the courage, resilience and strength they need to start a new life.

I am a survivor of domestic abuse.

“I didn’t know that I was being abused because...

I am a survivor of domestic abuse.

“I didn’t know that I was being abused because my definition of abuse looked different. My husband pushed me, but most of my suffering was verbal and psychological. I left my husband to protect our young daughter. Almost immediately I felt the weight of his oppression begin to lift. I could see a difference in my daughter as well. Then he broke into my home and assaulted me in-front of her.

I sought help and was led to Safe Harbor. My daughter and I are in counseling now. I am sorting out the mess that abuse has caused. I am finding my voice and seeking opportunities to grow and better my life as well as my daughter's. She will gauge her self-worth from my own self-worth. I must show her that she deserves the best, by expecting the best for myself.

Many years I suffered in silence. By telling my story and being honest with friends and family, I am taking control of my life again.”

- Beth



When you give to Safe Harbor, 82 cents of every dollar goes directly to our intervention services and prevention initiatives to break the cycle of domestic abuse in the Upstate of South Carolina. 

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We are available to provide domestic abuse education and information about Safe Harbor’s services through speaking engagements, trainings, workshops and awareness campaigns.





Safe Harbor Resale Shop operates solely on donations from our generous community. Donations are tax deductible and make a difference in the lives of our clients.  



Your donated furniture can support our clients as they transition out of our programs and start a new life, and can also raise money for Safe Harbor by going to our Resale Shop to be re-sold.



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